
Associate Professor Li-Hsun PENG, Ph.D.




澳洲南昆士蘭大學(Univ. of Southern Queensland) 視覺藝術研究所博士
巴黎第八大學 (Univ. Paris VIII) 造形藝術研究所碩士
國立巴黎瑟基藝術學院造形表現研究所碩士(DNSEP, ENSA Paris-Cergy)
國立巴黎高等工藝學院(ENSAAMA) 彩繪玻璃修復暨創作證書
巴黎第八大學 (Univ. Paris VIII) 造形藝術系學士


1. 國立雲林科技大學創意生活設計系所副教授(2009/2-現在)
2. 國立雲林科技大學創意生活設計系所系主任(2011/8-2014-07)
3. 國立雲林科技大學創意生活設計系所代理系主任(2011/3-2011-07)
4. 嶺東科技大學視覺傳達設計系所副教授(2008/08-2009/01)
5. 嶺東科技大學視覺傳達設計系所講師(1991/08-2008/07)
6. 國立巴黎瑟基藝術學院ENSA Paris-Cergy藝術創作實驗班教師(1990/09-1991/06)
7. 新象藝術中心課程企劃、教學活動(1984/01-1986/06)
8. 台北榮民總醫院附設榮光幼稚園約聘美術教師 (1983/10-1986/08)





老師近期所聚焦研究的領域或議題 彭立勛老師先於102年度針對布農族的東埔一鄰及西拉雅族,順利執行科技部「原住民族群文創產業與社會發展的互動模式研究」計畫,讓團隊致力於原住民部落文創商品設計,以及形象識別系統的探究。104年度的科技部整合型計畫則由彭師擔任總計劃主持人,進行「知識、詮釋與治理--原住民部落可持續發展之陪伴與研究」。105年度科技部計劃由彭師帶領的兩年期整合型計畫,以「參與•共好及陪伴整合設計--原住民族群文化的創新應用與設計實踐研究」,陪伴與輔導,鼓勵原住民族保存自己的文化遺產,並能傳承傳統的專業技能,振興部落經濟與維持生計。本子計劃研究團隊,持續地與西拉雅族的吉貝耍部落、大武壠族的六重溪部落,以及當地的族人保持良好的互動,並進行深度的訪查,針對西拉雅族的吉貝耍部落,團隊成員和部落的段洪坤老師密切合作,進行夜祭文創商品的開發設計。
期許學生在畢業後能從這邊獲得什麼 彭老師近年來,指導碩、博士生進行西拉雅族文化復振之研究,透過直接參與和設計陪伴,藉由計畫與研究的持續進行,亦累積豐富的研究和領導經驗。以研究引導教學及向部落學習的方式,帶領同學們在地學習,共同開創當地的農特產品包裝設計發展,並獲得當地族人的信任。藉由田野調查訪談並符合部落的需求,讓同學們體認台灣在南島語族群的樞紐地位。這樣的親身體驗解決部落需求的努力過程及論述,將有助於同學們透過及早了解社會的需求,而透過對原住民文化的深入體認,並找出深度的議題,將會是我們立足台灣,放眼國際的新契機。
  1. 2008/11 國立台灣藝術教育館 全國學生創藝作品線上競賽 指導證書
  2. 2008第17屆時報金犢獎指導老師獎 -中國時報
  3. 2006/03 聯合國教科文組織藝術教育世界論壇(InSea)分項議程主持人Session Chairman of S2 on the 2nd of March 2006, UNESCO InSEA World Congress - Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Arts Education, Mar. 1-5, 2006. Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal, Viseu, Portugal
  4. 2006/01澳洲國立南昆士蘭大學 國際論文發表獎助金
  5. 2005/10澳洲國立南昆士蘭大學 國際論文發表獎助金
  6. 2005-2007教育部留學獎學金
  7. 2003/04行政院參等服務獎章
  8. 2000/07教育部教學媒體競賽透明片組優選“歐普藝術的教學與實務”
  9. 1997/05台中市學生校外生活指導委員會海報設計比賽 指導老師獎

  1. 虎尾科技大學創新設計課程兼任副教授(2018/08-2019/01)。
  2. 中國醫藥學院藝術概論兼任講師(1994/08-1996/07)。
  3. 國立花蓮師範學院美勞教育學系兼任講師 (1993/07-1993/08)。
  4. 大葉工學院工業設計學系兼任講師(1992/10-1995/07)。
  5. 私立實踐設計管理學院空間設計學系兼任講師(1991/08-1993/07)。

  1. 聯合國教科文組織藝術教育世界論壇 (InSea - the International Society for Education through Art)
  2. 國際設計研究學會(Design Research Society)

  1. 中央通訊社, 2018.10.24, 嘉義百年東市場注入新活力 盼再現新風華.
  2. 台中市政府新聞處, 2018.09.04, 台中創新設計競賽銅獎【新創組】得獎團隊/作品:盲目/拚。轉(獎金新臺幣3萬元+獎座+個人獎狀 黃政略).
  3. 經濟日報, 2018.05.27, 創意生活傳遞美好想法.
  4. 國立雲林科技大學, 2018.04.01, 賀創設系榮獲2018全國青年創意競賽金獎.
  5. 國立雲林科技大學, 2017.11.01, 不忘初衷,多年持續關懷部落—彭立勛老師.
  6. 宏觀僑社新聞, 2017.02.19, 金雞報喜雲林科技大學溫哥華展創意—宏觀僑社新聞.
  7. 自由時報, 2017.02.04, 雲科大創意花燈前進溫哥華.
  8. 中時電子報, 2017.02.03, 自已發電看花燈,環保又健康.
  9. 亞太新聞網, 2015.12.09, 雲林物產館隆重開幕 展出工商農文創產品-亞太新聞網.
  10. 公民新聞, 2015.05.20, 拋磚引玉-喚醒青年的文化行動與在地實踐.
  11. 中時電子報, 2015.05.17, 集集樟腦出張所雲科大3生玩文創.
  1. 彭立勛, 108, 立足台灣迎向國際-族群共創設計培力之社會實踐研究-航向新南海 - 形塑西拉雅族與大武壠族農創實踐之設計培力與南向交流(MOST-108-2420-H-224-001), 科技部專題研究計劃.
  2. 彭立勛, 協同主持人, 107-108, 國立中興大學USR計劃B類:浪浪樂活實踐計劃-流浪動物減量與福祉實踐, 教育部USR大學社會責任實踐計畫.
  3. 彭立勛, 協同主持人, 107-108, 國立雲林科技大學USR計劃B類:鄒族來吉部落的社會實踐計劃:發揮鄒族內在的文資與里山精神, 教育部USR大學社會責任實踐計畫.
  4. 彭立勛, 107/04/15~107/08/15, 107-246嘉義市東公有零售市場視覺創新設計產學案, 嘉義市政府.
  5. 彭立勛, 107, 107-A319 107大專校院農村實踐共創計劃-吉貝耍部落文化尋禮, 水保局.
  6. 彭立勛, 107, 107-A329 107年青年好政系列-Let’s talk-雙龍部落文化設計, 教育部青年發展署.
  7. 彭立勛, 106/06/01-106/11/30, 106-292 尋古集集-文化輕旅行活動產學合作案, 集集鎮公所.
  8. 彭立勛, 106, 烏克麗麗設計營-樂器製作研習活動, 集集鎮公所.
  9. 彭立勛, 106, 2017年青年社區參與行動計畫-六重溪部落文創小旅行翻轉部落文化與經濟, 教育部青年發展署.
  10. 彭立勛, 106, 2017年青年社區參與行動計畫-雙龍部落文化創新暨數位行銷計畫, 教育部青年發展署.
  11. 彭立勛, 106, 2017年青年社區參與行動計畫-吉貝耍部落創新符碼設計協助, 教育部青年發展署.
  12. 彭立勛, 105/05/27-105/10/26, 105-320-02 105年度中小企業即時技術輔導計畫-古坑咖啡公司入口意象及視覺識別、販售空間整合設計即時協助案, 雲林古坑咖啡企業有限公司.
  13. 彭立勛, 105/05/27-105/10/26, 105年度中小企業即時技術輔導計畫-古坑咖啡公司入口意象及視覺識別、販售空間整合設計即時協助案(廠商配合款), 雲林古坑咖啡企業有限公司.
  14. 彭立勛, 105/01-106/12, 2016共好及陪伴整合設計-原住民部落文化的創新應用與設計實務(MOST105-2420-H-224-005-MY2), 科技部專題研究計劃.
  15. 彭立勛, 104/08/01-105/01/31, 104-327龍宏醬菜SBIR計劃「醬新獨具-創新樂活視覺、包裝系統建置計畫」, 雲林縣政府.
  16. 彭立勛, 104/01-104/12, 知識、詮釋與治理-原住民部落可持續發展之陪伴與研究-布農族及西拉雅族文化深耕與設計創新陪伴模式之研究(MOST104-2420-H-224-002), 科技部專題研究計劃.
  17. 彭立勛, 104/03, 媒合大專院校文創相關科系開發文創商品, 嘉義市政府.
  18. 彭立勛, 102/10, 東埔一鄰-原住民文創產業發展歷程與資源整合模式研究, 國科會專題研究計劃.
  19. 彭立勛, 100/10, 2011新世代設計工作營-台灣數位特色及在地文化創新設計營, 台灣創意設計中心.
  20. 彭立勛, 99/05-99/07, 2010台灣特色數位文化國際青年創意設計營, 教育部與雲科大設計學院合辦計畫、台灣創意設計中心協辦.
  21. 王以亮, 彭立勛協同主持, 99/02-99/03, 2010台灣特色數位文化國際青年創意設計營, 教育部與雲科大設計學院合辦計畫、台灣創意設計中心協辦.
  22. 彭立勛, 98/12-99/02, 設計概論, 國立雲林科技大學設計學院教學卓越計畫.
  23. 彭立勛, 98/11/, 2009國立雲林科技大學「Be Creative! Be Conductive! 創新創業設計論壇」, 教育部技職司雲科大設創中心 創意生活設計系主辦.
  24. 彭立勛, 98/12, 國立雲林科技大學創意生活設計系招牌設計案, 國立雲林科技大學創意生活設計系.
  25. 黃世輝, 彭立勛協同主持, 97/12-98/9, 藝文團體經營體質研究案藝文團體經營體質研究案, 國家藝文基金會.
  1. Su-Chiu Yang, Li-Hsun Peng, 2021, Preliminary Research into the Sustainable Responsibility of Teaware Design—A Fs/QCA Analysis of the Influence of the Smell and Taste of Tea through Visual and Tactile Perception, Sustainability, Vol.13, No.16, pp.8884. (SSCI, SCIE)
  2. Li-Hsun Peng, Ming-Han Bai, 2021, How Gameful Experience Affects Public Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding COVID-19 Among the Taiwanese Public: Cross-sectional Study, JMIR Serious Games, Vol.9, No.2, e26216. (SCI)
  3. Li-Hsun Peng, Yih-Hsien Lin, Ibnu Siswanto, 2021, Using interactive technology in visualized narration book as a medium to promote hakka blue-dyed in jhanghu community, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.1833, No.1, pp.012051. (其他)
  4. Li-Hsun Peng, Yi-Wen Wang, Ibnu Siswanto, 2021, Sealed trash bin with innovative design technology and environmental education, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.1833, No.1, pp.012057. (其他)
  5. Li-Hsun Peng, Indarti, Mohammad Adam Jerusalem, 2021, Study of Young Indonesian's Psychological Attitude and Purchase Intention toward Slow Fashion, Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica, Vol.30, No.1, pp.553-562. (SSCI, SCIE)
  6. Li-Hsun Peng, Ming-Han Bai, 2020, An Exploratory Study of University and High School Students’ Educational Psychology Attitudes toward Game Programming Course Performance, Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica, Vol.29, No.5, pp.378-391. (SSCI, SCIE, 其他)
  7. Li-Hsun Peng, Ming-Han Bai, Ibnu Siswanto, 2020, A study of learning motivation of senior high schools by applying unity and mblock on programming languages courses, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.1456, pp.012037. (其他)
  8. Li-Hsun Peng, Yu-Ting Yen, Ibnu Siswanto, 2020, Virtual reality teaching material - virtual reality game with education, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.1456, pp.012039. (其他)
  9. Li-Hsun Peng, Rong-Rong Yu, Indarti, 2020, Using traffic signs in children’s shoes and metalworking design, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.1456, pp.012028. (其他)
  10. Li-Hsun Peng, Pei-Yin Zheng, Ibnu Siswanto, 2020, Good earthworm-kitchen waste decomposition device, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.1456, pp.012029. (其他)
  11. Shu-Yu Sun, Li-Hsun Peng, 2020, Study of the virtual reality education and digitalization in China, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.1456, pp.012042. (其他)
  12. Yi-Chen Lai, Li-Hsun Peng, 2019, Effective Teaching and Activities of Excellent Teachers for the Sustainable Development of Higher Design Education, Sustainability, Vol.12, No.1, pp.28. (SSCI, SCIE)
  13. Su-Chiu Yang, Li-Hsun Peng, Li-Chieh Hsu, 2019, The Influence of Teacup Shape on the Cognitive Perception of Tea, and the Sustainability Value of the Aesthetic and Practical Design of a Teacup, Sustainability, Vol.11, No.24, pp.6895. (SSCI, SCIE)
  14. 賴怡臻, 彭立勛, 2017, 建構大學校院設計類科教師教學品質量表, 設計學刊第二卷第二期 2017 年 12 月, Vol.2, No.2. (其他)
  15. 陳姿瑜, 彭立勛, 2017, 服裝視覺設計-橫直條紋服裝的認知探討, 設計學刊, Vol.2, No.1, pp.51-68. (其他)
  16. Li-Hsun Peng, Yen-Kai Huang, 2017, Research of Cultural Creativity and City branding flip-up Chiayi City with features experience, IEEE Conference Publications, (EI), pp.73-75. (EI)
  17. Li-Hsun Peng, Chen-Fei Dong, 2017, Study of the locals innovative costume design in Hsiang-Bi tribe, IEEE Conference Publications, (EI), pp.192-194. (EI)
  18. Li-Hsun Peng, Chih-Hao Chang, 2017, Trip overturns the tribal's culture and economy, IEEE Conference Publications, (EI), pp.169-172. (EI)
  19. Li-Hsun Peng, Su-Chiu Yang, 2017, Investigation into the relationship between cup shape and the taste of tea, IEEE Conference Publications, (EI), pp.485-487. (EI)
  20. Li-Hsun Peng, Li-Chun Chung, 2017, A study of forming Taiwanese Aborigines' totem and conversional products, IEEE Conference Publications, (EI),, pp.397-400. (EI)
  21. Indarti, Li-Hsun PENG,, 2017, Bridging local trend to global: Analysis of Indonesian contemporary modest fashion, IEEE Conference Publications, (EI), pp.1710-1713. (EI)
  22. 彭立勛 薛家欣, 2016, 布農族及西拉雅族文化深耕與設計創新陪伴模式之研究, 科技部人文與社會科學簡訊, Vol.17, No.4, pp.50-59. (MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, 105-1007-1)
  23. Li-Hsun Peng, Chia-Hsin Hsueh, 2016, Applying Accompany Model for the Cultural Development of Bunun and Siraya Tribes, The European Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences (EjMS), Vol.1, No.1, pp.14-19. (MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, 105-1007-1, http://dx.doi.org/10.15405/ejms(2421-8251).2016.1.3)
  24. Sieng-Hou Chen; Li-Hsun Peng; Kuo-Chao Huang,, 2016, The race record: Using statistical analysis and content analysis to explore the cultural implications of Taiwan Aborigines' music cover design, IEEE Conference Publications, pp.1-3. (EI)(MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, 105-1007-1, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A7539562%29&refinements=4224483472&refinements=4221235818&refinements=4221236309&pageNumber=1&resultAction=REFINE)
  25. Indarti, Li-Hsun PENG,, 2016, Modern hijab style in Indonesia as an expression of cultural identity and communication, IEEE Conference Publications, pp.1-4. (EI)(http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A7539562%29&refinements=4224483472&refinements=4221235818&refinements=4221236309&pageNumber=1&resultAction=REFINE)
  26. Li-Hsun PENG, Yi-Ting Chen,, 2016, A study on talents cultivation and community developmentin partnership of ‘Gong Shi’, IEEE Conference Publications, pp.1-4. (EI)(http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A7539562%29&refinements=4224483472&refinements=4221235818&refinements=4221236309&pageNumber=1&resultAction=REFINE)
  27. Li-Hsun PENG, Chia-Chun HUNG,, 2016, The practice of corporate visual identity — A case study of Yunlin Gukeng Coffee Enterprise Co., Ltd, IEEE Conference Publications, pp.1-4. (EI)
  28. Li-Hsun PENG, Zih-Teng Huang,, 2016, Study on the universality of the service design of the ‘friendly restaurant app’, IEEE Conference Publications, pp.1-3. (EI)(http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A7539562%29&refinements=4224483472&refinements=4221235818&refinements=4221236309&pageNumber=1&resultAction=REFINE)
  29. Li-Hsun PENG, Wan-Ju Hung,, 2016, Study of local culture and aquatic product packaging integration in Shuanglong tribe, IEEE Conference Publications. (EI)(MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, 105-1007-1, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A7539562%29&refinements=4224483472&refinements=4221235818&refinements=4221236309&pageNumber=1&resultAction=REFINE)
  30. Li-Hsun PENG, Yu-Hsuan Chang,, 2016, Production and marketing design for the Shuanglong Tribe Yixian farm, IEEE Conference Publications, pp.1-4. (EI)(MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, 105-1007-1, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A7539562%29&refinements=4224483472&refinements=4221235818&refinements=4221236309&pageNumber=1&resultAction=REFINE)
  31. Sieng-Hou CHEN, Li-Hsun PENG, 2015, An Investigation into the Feasibility of Incorporating Creative Photography Pedagogy in General Education, 設計研究 The Journal of Design Research, No.11, pp.01-06.
  32. Hsu-Hong LEE, Li-Hsun PENG, 2015, The Analysis of the Crossover Service Design of Visual Arts Industry, 設計研究 The Journal of Design Research, No.11, pp.27-32.
  33. Xue-Hui LI, Li-Hsun PENG, 2015, The Research on Cultural Information Features of Gothic Stained Glass, 設計研究 The Journal of Design Research, No.11, pp.99-104.
  34. 賴怡臻 彭立勛, 2014, Analysis and Research on the Effectiveness of Innovative Realism Sketching, 設計研究 The Journal of Design Research, No.10, pp.1-6. (其他)
  35. Li-Hsun Peng, Chi-Yu Pan, 2014, From Art Educational Perspective Analyzing Taiwan Siraya Tribe’s Trans-acculturation, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.112, pp.357-364. (其他)
  36. Li-Hsun PENG, Huang-Yao LIN, 2014, A new Bunun aborigines’ Educational Aspect of Cultural Identity Design in Taiwan, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.112, pp.365-372. (其他)
  37. Chih-Hao Sung, Li-Hsun Peng, 2014, Educational Research and Experience Design of Taiwanese Traditional Pickles’ Visualization, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.112, pp.348–356.
  38. Li Hsun PENG, Chia Hsin HSUEH, Jeng Jia LOU, 2013, Analytical Research on Sign and Symbol of Two Avant-Garde Women Designers’ Works, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.311, pp.269-274. (EI)
  39. 彭立勛, 薛家欣, 羅正佳, 2012, Analytical Research on Sign and Symbol of two Avant-Garde Women Designers’ Works, Applied Mechanics and Materials. (EI)
  40. 彭立勛, 2008, “用第三空間理論解讀 梭妮亞 德洛內(Sonia Delaunay)創作的時代意涵,以及對我們落實台灣本土化觀點所帶來的啟示”,“Using Third Space Theory to Understand Sonia Delaunay’s Design Practice and to Facilitate Taiwan’s New Cultural Identity”, 國際藝術教育學刊, Vol.6, No.1, pp.158-188. (其他)
  41. 彭立勛, 1994, 彩繪玻璃畫工藝發展簡史, 現代美術雙月刊第55期, 台北市:台北市立美術館, 頁77-79, ISBN:1018-0222.
  42. 彭立勛, 1992, 由舊火展車站蛻變而誠的奧賽美術館, 台灣美術季刊第17期, 台中市:台灣省立美術館, 頁68-76.
  43. 彭立勛, 1991, 歐洲美術館之旅 2-----大羅浮宮計畫, 台灣美術季刊第13期, 台中市:台灣省立美術館, 頁99-108.
  44. 彭立勛, 1991, 巴黎藝術二三事--新女性主義的抬頭?!, 台灣美術季刊第11期, 台中市:台灣省立美術館, 頁83-90.
  45. 彭立勛, 1990, 法國藝壇點滴, 台灣美術季刊第7期, 台中市:台灣省立美術館, 頁78-86.
  46. 彭立勛, 1989, 法國議壇點滴, 台灣美術季刊第6期, 台中市:台灣省立美術館, 頁81-88.
  47. 彭立勛, 1989, 大地的魔術師, 藝術貴族第3期, 台北市:藝術貴族雜誌社, 頁29.
  48. 彭立勛, 1989, 法國新的凱旋門--博愛之門, 藝術貴族第3期, 台北市:藝術貴族雜誌社, 頁30-31.
  49. 彭立勛, 1989, 巴黎藝壇的二、三事, 台灣美術季刊第4期, 台中市:台灣省立美術館, 頁71-80.
  50. 彭立勛, 1987, 中法藝術教育交流新契機, 雄獅美術月刊第194期, 台北市:雄獅圖書股份有限公司, 頁101-105.
  1. Li-Hsun PENG, Ai-Yung LIN and Indarti, 2020, Design of Seed Paper Coaster for Sustainable Engineering and Environmental Education in Kaxabu Niumian Community, 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on VOCATIONAL EDUCATION of MECHANICAL and AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY (ICoVEMAT 2020), 2020/10/05-06, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  2. Li-Hsun PENG, Yi-Wen WANG, Ibnu Siswanto, 2020, Sealed Trash Bin with Innovative Design Technology and Environmental Education, 6th International Conference on Technology And Vocational Teachers (ICTVT 2020), 2020/10/05-06, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  3. Li-Hsun PENG, Yih-Hsien LIN, Ibnu Siswanto, 2020, Using Interactive Technology in Visualized Narrative Book as a Medium to Promote Hakka indigo-dyed in Jhanghu Community, 6th International Conference on Technology And Vocational Teachers (ICTVT 2020), 2020/10/05-06, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  4. Li-Hsun PENG, Pei-Shan Chung, Tran Thi Minh Kieu, 2020, Overturns the Traditional Craftsmanship of Seediq Tribe’s Fashion Design with Sustainable Engineering and Educational Technology, 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on VOCATIONAL EDUCATION of MECHANICAL and AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY (ICoVEMAT 2020), 2020/10/05-06, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  5. Li-Hsun PENG, Ming-Han BAI, 2020, An Exploratory Study of Simulation Game toward COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices, The 7th International Design Study Forum and Conference, 2020/07/04, Graduate School of Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, 雲林縣, 國立雲林科技大學.
  6. 游容容, 彭立勛, 2020, 頂溪社區“屋頂上的貓”金工工坊之文創模式研究, 2020 創意生活設計:跨域整合國際研討會, 2020/05/08, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, 雲林縣,斗六市.
  7. 顏鈺庭, 彭立勛, 2020, 探討運用擴增實境結合社區彩繪對觀光導覽之可能性 —以雲林縣虎尾鎮頂溪社區為例, 2020 創意生活設計:跨域整合國際研討會, 2020/05/08, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, 雲林縣, 國立雲林科技大學.
  8. 吳幸娟, 彭立勛, 2020, 社區營造對在地居民居住環境意識影響之研究-以頂溪社區為例, 2020創意生活設計:跨域整合國際研討會, 2020/05/08, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, 雲林縣, 國立雲林科技大學.
  9. Li-Hsun PENG, Ming-Han BAI, 2020, An Empirical Study of How the Learning Motivation of College Student and High School Student toward Programming Courses Performance Affect Sustainability, 3rd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2020, 2020/02/05-07, International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention, Cau Giay Hotel, Hanoi.
  10. Li-Hsun Peng, Yu-Ting YEN, Ibnu Siswanto, 2019, A Brief Overview of Virtual Reality Games connecting with Education, International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT) 2019, 2019/09/14-15, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  11. Li-Hsun PENG, Ming-Han BAI , Ibnu Siswanto, 2019, A Study of Learning Motivation of Senior High School with Applying Unity and mBlock on Programming Languages Courses, International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT) 2019, 2019/09/14-15, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  12. Li-Hsun PENG, Pei-Yin ZHENG, Ibnu Siswanto, 2019, Good Earthworm-Kitchen Waste Decomposition Device, International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT) 2019, 2019/09/14-15, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  13. Li-Hsun PENG, Yuan-Hao LIU, Ibnu Siswanto, 2019, Kaxabu Niumian Community’s Tribal Design and Cultural Empowerment Actions, International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT) 2019, 2019/09/14-15, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  14. Li-Hsun PENG, Min-Qiao WU, Indarti, 2019, Research of the Deep Cultivation and Cultural Design Activities of Kabuasua Tribe, International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT) 2019, 2019/09/14-15, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  15. Li-Hsun PENG, Hsing-Chuan WU, Indarti, 2019, Li-Hsun PENG, Hsing-Chuan WU, Indarti, Translation and Reproduction of the Fishing Culture in the City of Taichung, 2019/09/14-15, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  16. Li-Hsun PENG, Rong-Rong YU, Indarti, 2019, Using Traffic Signs in Children's Shoes and Metalworking Design, International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT) 2019, 2019/09/14-15, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  17. 龔家慧, 彭立勛, 2019, 以體驗行銷探討美濃傳統工藝發展可能-以中圳社區工作坊為例, 2019創意生活設計 : 跨域整合國際研討會暨永續性產品與產業管理學術研討會, 2019/03/30, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, 雲林縣, 國立雲林科技大學.
  18. 黃政略, 彭立勛, 2019, 探討吉貝耍部落的傳統與當代工藝創新, 2019創意生活設計 : 跨域整合國際研討會暨永續性產品與產業管理學術研討會, 2019/03/30, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, 雲林縣, 國立雲林科技大學.
  19. 賴瑜珮, 彭立勛, 2019, 探討台灣纏花工藝產業的發展趨勢, 2019創意生活設計 : 跨域整合國際研討會暨永續性產品與產業管理學術研討會, 2019/03/30, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, 雲林縣, 國立雲林科技大學.
  20. 劉原豪, 彭立勛, 2019, 減壓玩具市場之產品要素探討與創作, 2019創意生活設計 : 跨域整合國際研討會暨永續性產品與產業管理學術研討會, 2019/03/30, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, 雲林縣, 國立雲林科技大學.
  21. 林冠宇, 彭立勛, 2019, 石材產業廢料再設計探討之研究, 2019創意生活設計 : 跨域整合國際研討會暨永續性產品與產業管理學術研討會, 2019/03/30, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, 雲林縣, 國立雲林科技大學.
  22. 吳閔喬, 彭立勛, 2019, 西拉雅文化吉貝耍部落之創新插畫研究, 2019創意生活設計 : 跨域整合國際研討會暨永續性產品與產業管理學術研討會, 2019/03/30, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, 雲林縣, 國立雲林科技大學.
  23. 林郁涵, 彭立勛, 2019, 部落實踐「文化體驗」之價值──以南投縣信義鄉雙龍部落為例, 2019創意生活設計 : 跨域整合國際研討會暨永續性產品與產業管理學術研討會, 2019/03/30, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, 雲林縣, 國立雲林科技大學.
  24. 徐展峯, 彭立勛, 2019, 電動腳踏車永續動力的創新設計研究, 2019創意生活設計 : 跨域整合國際研討會暨永續性產品與產業管理學術研討會, 2019/03/30, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, 雲林縣, 國立雲林科技大學.
  25. Su-Chiu YANG, Li-Hsun PENG, 2018, Assessing Visual Influence of Chinese Teacup on the Perception Taste of Tea, 4th International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018 (ICASI 2018 ), 2018/04/13-17, ICASI 2018, Chiba, pp.1-4.
  26. Hsu-Hong LEE, Li-Hsun PENG, 2018, Research on Green Sustainable Design and Entrepreneurial Strategy of Social Enterprises in Taiwan, 4th International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018 (ICASI 2018 ), 2018/04/13-17, ICASI 2018, Chiba, pp.1-4.
  27. Huang-Yao Lin, Li-Hsun PENG, 2018, The Practical Application of Virtual Reality in Performance Art Space Exploration and The Use of Design Perception, 4th International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018 (ICASI 2018 ) , Japan, April 13-17, 2018, 2018/04/13-17, ICASI 2018, Chiba, pp.1-4.
  28. Li-Hsun PENG, Huang-Yao LIN, 2018, Research of Visual and Product Design Empowerment in Taiwan’s Kabuasua Tribe, 4th International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018 (ICASI 2018 ) Chiba, Japan, April 13-17, 2018, 2018/04/13-17, ICASI 2018, Chiba,, pp.1-4.
  29. 鍾立君 彭立勛, 2017, 藤本壯介及西澤立衛之空間符碼解構研究, 2017中華空間設計學會第十三屆空間設計學術研討會, 2017/01/14, 中華空間設計學會(CIIAD), 國立雲林科技大學設計三館, pp.1-8.
  30. 彭立勛 張智皓, 2017, 六重溪部落公廨的空間變遷與文化延續研究, 2017中華空間設計學會第十三屆空間設計學術研討會, 2017/01/14, 中華空間設計學會, 國立雲林科技大學設計三館, pp.1-6. (布農族及西拉雅族農創實踐之設計培力模式研究, 105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, 105-1007-1)
  31. 洪琬茹 彭立勛, 2016, 峨嵋鄉秋茶小旅行體驗設計研究, 2016台灣感性研討會 - 感性與創意實踐, 2016/11/18-19, 台灣感性學會, 國立台東大學師範學院(知本), pp.155-161.
  32. 張奎 彭立勛, 2016, 白河六重溪太祖五姊妹公廨之改建及原民文化的契合與衝突, 2016中華空間設計學會第十二屆空間設計學術研討會, 2016/01/09, 中華空間設計學會, 國立雲林科技大學 創意生活設計系, pp.1-6. (MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, MOST105-2420-H-224 -005 -MY2, 105-1007-1)
  33. Li-Hsun PENG, Sieng-Hou CHEN, Guo-Chao HUANG,, 2015, The Race Record: Using Statistical Analysis to Explore the Cultural Implications of Taiwan Aborigines Music Cover Design, 2015 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2015), October 23-28, 2015, Xiangtan, Hunan, PR China, 2015/10/23-28, ICICE 2015, Xiangtan, Hunan, PR China.
  34. Li-Hsun PENG, Chi-Yu PAN, 2015, Applying Accompany Model for the Cultural Development of Bunun and Siraya Tribes, ICEEPSY 2015 6th Annual International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology, 2015/10/13-17, ICEEPSY 2015, Istanbul,Turkey.
  35. Li-Hsun PENG, Kang-Wei LIN, 2015, Participatory Design for Liou-Chong-Creek Tribe Community Development, ICEEPSY 2015 6th Annual International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology, 2015/10/13-17, ICEEPSY 2015, Istanbul,Turkey.
  36. Li-Hsun PENG, Yi-Pei WU, 2015, Research of Youth Community Education and Development of Local Cultural Industries, ICEEPSY 2015 6th Annual International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology, 2015/10/13-17, ICEEPSY 2015, Istanbul,Turkey.
  37. Li-Hsun Peng, Chia-Hsin Hsueh, 2015, Taiwan’s Green Marketing Approach-Vertical Garden System in Taichung CMP Park Lane, 2015 Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management (GEIM) Conference, 2015/07/29-31, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  38. Li-Hsun Peng, Chi-Yu Pan, 2015, The Practice of Cultural Industry and Business Model of Alola Foundation in East Timor, 2015 Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management (GEIM) Conference, 2015/07/29-31, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  39. Li-Hsun Peng, Sieng-Hou Chen, 2015, Transmutation of Electoral Campaigns in the New Media Age, 2015 Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management (GEIM) Conference, 2015/07/29-31, National Chung Hsing University, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan..
  40. Sieng-Hou CHEN, Li-Hsun PENG, 2015, Applying Statistical Analysis to Deconstruct the Transformation Process of Political Campaigns in the Information Age, 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015), 2015/05/22-26, ICASI 2015, Osaka,Japan.
  41. 黃貞儀 彭立勛, 2014, 二崙故事屋之活動設計研究初探, 2014雲林縣地方文化館文化生活圈學術研討會, 2014/11/07, 國立雲林科技大學 設計創新研發中心, 斗六.雲科大.
  42. 陳意婷 彭立勛, 2014, 斗六繪本館館內閱讀的服務設計, 2014雲林縣地方文化館文化生活圈學術研討會, 2014/11/07, 國立雲林科技大學 設計創新研發中心, 斗六.雲科大.
  43. 吳宜霈 彭立勛, 2014, 觀光工廠體驗活動之流程設計分析-以朝露魚鋪為例, 2014雲林縣地方文化館文化生活圈學術研討會, 2014/11/07, 國立雲林科技大學 設計創新研發中心, 斗六.雲科大.
  44. Li-Hsun PENG, Chia-Hsin HSUEH, 2014, A Research on Investigating the Material Application of Innovation in Vertical Garden System in Taiwan, 2014 International Conference on Advanced Materials for Science and Engineering (ICAMSE), 2014/11/01-06, Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation (TIKI), 高雄, 高雄大學.
  45. Yi-Chen LAI, Li-Hsun PENG, 2014, Study on the Visual Image of the Covers of Kaohsiung Pictorial, 2014 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2014), 2014/10/17-22, Guizhou Institute of Technology (GIT), Guiyang, Guizhou Institute of Technology (GIT).
  46. Chi-Yu PAN, Li-Hsun PENG, 2014, Revitalizing Cultural Industries Through Sustainable development and Creative Design: East Timor, 2014 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2014), 2014/10/17-22, Guizhou Institute of Technology (GIT), Guiyang, Guizhou Institute of Technology (GIT).
  47. Li-Hsun PENG, Chia-Hsin HSUEH, 2014, The Potential Contribution of Value-Added Application for E-learning into Chanel’s Brand Image, 2014 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2014), 2014/10/17-22, Guizhou Institute of Technology (GIT), Guiyang, Guizhou Institute of Technology (GIT).
  48. Huang-Yao LIN, Li-Hsun PENG, 2014, The Assessment of the Impact of Character Modeling on Design Fixation in Movement Expression of Character Animation, 2014 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2014), 2014/10/17-22, Guizhou Institute of Technology (GIT), Guiyang, Guizhou Institute of Technology (GIT).
  49. Yi-Chen LAI, Li-Hsun PENG, 2014, Visual Image Analysis and Teaching Research on Innovative Realism Sketching, 34th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA 2014), 2014/07/07-11, InSEA,International Society for Education Through Art, Melbourne.
  50. Li-Hsun PENG, Chia-Hsin HSUEH, 2014, A Research on Investigating the Modules of Innovation in Fashion Design Education of Taiwanese Women Designers under the Influence of Western Culture, 34th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA 2014), 2014/07/07-11, InSEA,International Society for Education Through Art, Melbourne.
  51. Li-Hsun PENG, Chen-Yi HUANG, 2014, Aboriginal Art Education Embodied in Value Creation of Restaurant Brands, 34th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA 2014), 2014/07/07-11, InSEA,International Society for Education Through Art, Melbourne.
  52. 黃貞儀 彭立勛, 2014, 臺北電影節與臺北設計月城市風格設計研究 City Style Design for Taipei Film Festival and Taipei Design Month, 2014品時尚.創設計學術研討會, 2014/04/22, 玄奘大學時尚設計學系, 新竹,玄奘大學時尚設計學系.
  53. 李佩書 劉宜欣 彭立勛, 2014, 大衣領型之短期視覺記憶探討 Investigation on Visual Short-Term Memory of Coat Collars, 2014品時尚.創設計學術研討會, 2014/04/22, 玄奘大學時尚設計學系, 新竹,玄奘大學時尚設計學系.
  54. Li-Hsun PENG, Chi-Yu PAN, 2013, From Art Educational Perspective Analyzing Taiwan Siraya Tribe's Trans-acculturation, International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology 2013 (ICEEPSY 2013), 2013/10/02-05, British Psychological Society, Antakya, p.189.
  55. Li-Hsun PENG, Chi-Yu PAN, 2013, A new Bunun aborigines' Educational Aspect of Cultural Identity Design in Taiwan, International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology 2013 (ICEEPSY 2013), 2013/10/02-05, British Psychological Society, Antakya, p.188.
  56. Li-Hsun PENG, Chia-Hsin HSUEH, 2013, Taiwan’s Educational Aspects on Coco Chanel and Taiwanese Women Fashion Designers, International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology 2013 (ICEEPSY 2013), 2013/10/02-05, British Psychological Society, Antakya, p.74.
  57. Chih-Hao SUNG, Li-Hsun PENG, 2013, Educational Research and Experience Design of Taiwanese Traditional Pickles’ Visualization, International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology 2013 (ICEEPSY 2013), 2013/10/02-05, British Psychological Society, Antakya, p.190.
  58. 黃璟平, 彭立勛, 2013, The Symbol and Implication of Jimmy's work - The Starry Starry Night, The 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, 2013/08/26-30, SHIBAURA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 東京.
  59. 劉宜欣, 彭立勛, 2013, The Crafts Design from Tradition to Innovation - A Preliminary Study on Beginners' Learning Behavior Model, The 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, 2013/08/26-30, SHIBAURA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 東京.
  60. 林宗靖, 彭立勛, 2013, Soul Healing Design - Exploring the Afternoon Tea Restaurants in Taiwan and Decoding the significance of their Corporate Identity Systems, The 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, 2013/08/26-30, SHIBAURA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 東京.
  61. 彭立勛, 潘麒宇, 魏廷勳, 2013, Promoting the Value of Local Industries to Assist the development of Siraya Aborigines Local Cultural Industries, The 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, 2013/08/26-30, SHIBAURA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 東京.
  62. 陳姿諭, 彭立勛, 2013, Nature-inspired Fashion Design through The Theory of Biomemicry, The 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, 2013/08/26-30, SHIBAURA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 東京.
  63. 彭立勛, 林皇耀, 2013, Establishing new Bunun Aborigines Tribal and Cultural Identity Design in Taiwan, The 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, 2013/08/26-30, SHIBAURA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 東京.
  64. 吳婉宜, 彭立勛, 2013, Chang, Hsien-Pien as an Autodidact in the Art and Crafts of Bamboo, The 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, 2013/08/26-30, SHIBAURA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 東京.
  65. 彭立勛, 陳姿諭, 2012, Learning from Nature-An Alternative Fashion, International Conference on Paradigm for Design Education, 2012/12/05, 國立雲林科技大學, 斗六.
  66. 林皇耀, 彭立勛, 2012, 國島水馬的圖說台灣:日治時期台灣殖民時期的圖像表現, 2012感性設計與藝術創作研討會, 2012/11/24-25, 花蓮東華大學, 花蓮東華大學.
  67. 潘麒宇, 彭立勛, 2012, 透過感性工學探討文化創意-以西拉雅族為例, 2012感性設計與藝術創作研討會, 2012/11/24-25, 花蓮東華大學, 花蓮東華大學.
  68. 劉宜欣, 彭立勛, 2012, 肖像珠寶感性圖像之比較與分析, 2012感性設計與藝術創作研討會, 2012/11/24-25, 東華大學, 花蓮.
  69. 許盈瑀, 彭立勛, 2012, 海報設計的詩性分析:視覺詩人岡特蘭保(Gunter Rambow)的感性創作, 2012感性設計與藝術創作研討會, 2012/11/24-25, 花蓮東華大學, 花蓮東華大學.
  70. 陳姿諭, 彭立勛, 2012, 服裝視覺設計-直線條與橫線條的錯覺應用探討, 2012感性設計與藝術創作研討會, 2012/11/24-25, 花蓮東華大學, 花蓮東華大學.
  71. 潘麒宇, 彭立勛, 2012, Analyzing Taiwan Siraya Cultural Creativity from the Kansei Engineering, International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2012), 2012/05/22-25, 台灣感性學會, 澎湖科技大學.
  72. 薛家欣, 彭立勛, 2012, The Transition of Vertical Garden in Taiwan under the Green Kansei Concept, International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2012), 2012/05/22-25, 台灣感性學會, 澎湖科技大學.
  73. 劉宜欣, 彭立勛, 2012, Fusion of Portraits in Jewelry Design by Using Kansei Engineering, International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2012), 2012/05/22-25, 台灣感性學會, 澎湖科技大學.
  74. 薛家欣, 彭立勛, 2011, Taiwan’s Green Design Aspects: Case Studies on Phenomenographic Research, Design for Innovative Value Towards a Sustainable Society--Proceedings of EcoDesign 2011, 2011/11/30-2011/12/02, EcoDesign 2011, Kyoto,Japan, pp.1063~1067.
  75. Estefania Sanz Lobo, Sumi Atsushi, Li-Hsun Peng, 2011, Creativity, Leisure and Identity in Drawings of Children and Adolescents in Spain, Taiwan and Japan, Proceedings of the 33rd InSEA Congress, 2011/06/24-30, International Association for Education through Art, United Nations Educational, Budapest.
  76. 陳鈺評, 彭立勛, 2011, Research on design communication in Taiwan: lessons from two cases, 2011 Insea World Congress, 2011/06/24-30, International Association for Education through Art, United Nations Educational, Budapest.
  77. 黃媺文, 彭立勛, 2011, A Study of the Importance of Combining Art Education with Community Development in Terms of the Change in the Taiwan Community's Outlook – A Case Study on the Dongpu 1 Site of Mt.Jade, 2011 Insea World Congress, 2011/06/24-30, International Association for Education through Art, United Nations Educational, Budapest.
  78. 潘麒宇, 彭立勛, 2011, Pass the Refined Siraya Culture through Artistic Teaching, Proceedings of the 33rd InSEA Congress, 2011/06/24-30, International Association for Education through Art, United Nations Educational, Budapest.
  79. 陳姿諭, 彭立勛, 2011, The Applicat ion of Insect Mimicry to Fa shion Design through the theory of Biomimicry, Art-Space-Education--Proceedings of the 33rd InSEA Congress, 2011/06/24-30, -Proceedings of the 33rd InSEA Congress, Budapest,Hungary, pp.1-11.
  80. 彭立勛, 2011, Taiwan‟s New Fabric Design-A Cultural Phenomenon, Proceedings of the 33rd InSEA Congress, 2011/06/24-30, the 33rd InSEA Congress, Budapest, pp.32-35.
  81. 彭立勛Li-Hsun Peng, 薛家欣Chia-Hsin Hsueh, 2010, Research on Signboard Communication in Asia under the Integration of Green Design and Visual Typography, GLIDE'10--Global Interaction in Design, 2010/10/27, the National Science Foundation and the AIGA UP ST NY Chapter., Troy,New York.
  82. 薛家欣Chia-Hsin Hsueh, 彭立勛Li-Hsun Peng, 2010, A Study of Dilemma Situation in Taiwan's Sustainable Signboard Design and Development, 2010 International conference on innovation design, 2010/10/16-17, 國立雲林科技大學 設計學院, 斗六,國立雲林科技大學.
  83. 薛家欣Chia-Hsin Hsueh, 彭立勛Li-Hsun Peng, 2010, Using Visual Literacy to Investigate the Postmodern Phenomenon of E-Learning in Taiwan, Designs on eLearning 2010 Conference, 2010/09/15-17, Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah,Georgia.
  84. 陳右欣, 彭立勛, 2010, 有機棉應用於嬰兒衣物之分析研究, 永續性產品與產業管理研討會暨永續創新論壇, 2010/03/19, 國立雲林科技大學創意生活設計所, 斗六市,雲林科技大學, p.54.
  85. 黃意婷, 彭立勛, 2010, 「植生牆」應用於建築空間的綠色行銷, 永續性產品與產業管理研討會暨永續創新論壇, 2010/03/19, 雲林科技大學創意生設計系所, 斗六市雲林科技大學, pp.59.
  86. 彭立勛 Li-Hsun Peng, 羅正佳 Jeng-Jia Lou,, 2008, Cultural Hybridity sets up a new identity for Taiwanese Art and Design students – Using Art Deco and Taiwan Exhibitions as examples to illustrate the theory, 32nd UNESCO InSEA World Congress - Mind+Media+Heritage, Aug. 05- 09, 2008., 2008/08/05-09, International House, Osaka,, p.500.
  87. 彭立勛 Li-Hsun Peng, 羅正佳 Jeng-Jia Lou,, 2007, Raising Taiwanese art and design students identity awareness by introducing them Sonia Delaunay and Clarice Cliffs career development, UNESCO InSEA Regional (Asia) General Congress - Crossing Borders: Understanding Cultures through the Arts, 2007/08/22-23, Seoul National University, pp.431-436.
  88. 彭立勛 Li-Hsun Peng, 羅正佳 Jeng-Jia Lou,, 2006, Third Space Identity of Eileen Gray and Sonia Delaunay: A Perspective of Two Taiwanese Educators, The 31st UNESCO InSEA World Congress - Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Arts Education, Mar. 1-5, 2006, 2006/03/01-05, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, p.230.
  89. 彭立勛 Li-Hsun Peng,, 2005, A Theoretical and Comparison Analysis of the works created by two Art Deco Women Designers between the Wars: Coco Chanel and Sonia Delaunay, IDC國際設計研討會International Design Congress - New Design Paradigms, Nov. 1-5, 2005,, 2005/11/01-05, 國立雲林科技大學.
  90. 彭立勛Li-Hsun Peng,, 2005, Investigating the Creative Values and Social Achievements of Two Art Deco Women Designers: Sonia Delaunay and Clarice Cliff, E&PDE國際設計教育研討會3rd Engineering & Product Design Education International Conference - Crossing Design Boundaries, Sep. 15-16, 2005, 2005/09/15-16, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp.53-58.
  1. Li-Hsun Peng, Ming-Han Bai, 2020, Education and Awareness of Sustainability, An Empirical Study of Learning Motivation of College Student and High School Student toward Programming Courses and Performance with Sustainability, World Scientific, pp.111-114.
  2. 彭立勛等作, 2015, 三位一體的創新設計. 2015, 雲林科大創設系, 斗六.
  3. Li-Hsun PENG, Chia-Hsin HSUEH, 2015, Innovation in Design, Communication and Engineering, A Research on Investigating the Material Application of Innovation in Vertical Garden System in Taiwan, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp.767-772.
  4. Sanz Lobo, Estefania, Romero González, Pablo, Sumi, Atsushi, Peng, Li-Hsun, Ahn, Hyeri, 2013, Cultural Sensitivity Handbook, Youth Culture from Teenager’s Drawings, Indiana University Press, 美國.
  5. 彭立勛, 2013, 新設計概論與設計基礎, 奇果創新國際股份有限公司, 台灣, pp.8,41-45.
  6. 薛家欣, 彭立勛, 2012, Taiwan’s Green Design Aspects: Case Studies on Phenomenographic Research. In: Design for Innovative Value towards a Sustainable Society., Springer, USA.
  7. 彭立勛, 2010, 賞色彩。玩設計, 國立雲林科技大學.
  8. 彭立勛, 2010, 台灣特色數位文化國際青年創意設計營成果特輯, 國立雲林科技大學設計學院, pp.1-105.
  9. 彭立勛, 2010, 設計概論, 國立雲林科技大學設計學院, 台灣, pp.108-113.
  10. 彭立勛, 2005, Crossing Design Boundaries, “Investigating the Creative Values and Social Achievements of Two Art Deco Women Designers: Sonia Delaunay and Clarice Cliff”, Taylor & Francis Co, London, pp.53-58. (英文, ISBN:978-041-53-9118-4)
  11. 蔡昌吉, 阮福信, 彭立勛, 2002, 當代美術鑑賞與人生, ISBN:9575126629.
  12. 林昭賢, 蔡昌吉, 彭立勛, 2000, 藝術概論 : 藝術與人生, ISBN:9575123395.
  13. 蔡昌吉, 阮福信, 彭立勛, 1999, 現代美術鑑賞, ISBN:9575121708.
  14. 彭立勛, 1994, 巴黎富代造形與創造教育論文集, ISBN:9579707812.
  15. 彭立勛, 1993, 彭立勛作品集, ISBN:9579706506.
  1. 黃政略, 2018.09, 2018台中創新設計競賽-【新創組】, 銅獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  2. 游智幃、蔡翔渝、謝君育, 2018.04, 2018金點新秀設計獎/產品設計類, 入圍, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  3. 徐展峯、林郁文、林均品, 2018.03, 全國青年創意應用競賽/醫學健康類大專組, 金獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  4. 蘇筱菱, 2018.03, Uplus名片設計廣告主題結合創意競賽-吸血鬼名片, 入圍, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  5. 龔家慧, 2017.08, 兩岸藝緣・牽手貴州/貴州鄉村旅遊發展中心/首屆海峽兩岸文創旅遊商品設計大賽, 黔圖貴州藍莓果汁包裝, 優秀設計概念獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  6. 林冠宇, 2017.08, 兩岸藝緣・牽手貴州/貴州鄉村旅遊發展中心/首屆海峽兩岸文創旅遊商品設計大賽, 空網, 優秀設計概念獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  7. 林郁涵, 2017.08, 兩岸藝緣・牽手貴州/貴州鄉村旅遊發展中心/首屆海峽兩岸文創旅遊商品設計大賽, 貴州省麻江縣特產-藍莓酥, 優秀設計概念獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  8. 游智幃, 2017.08, 兩岸藝緣・牽手貴州/貴州鄉村旅遊發展中心/首屆海峽兩岸文創旅遊商品設計大賽, 苗女落地燈, 優秀設計概念獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  9. 賴瑜珮, 2017.08, 兩岸藝緣・牽手貴州/貴州鄉村旅遊發展中心/首屆海峽兩岸文創旅遊商品設計大賽, 前圖貴州 藍莓髮簪, 優秀設計概念獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  10. 李庭妏、蘇筱菱, 2017.02, 2017第十二屆戰國策全國校園創業競賽, Aplustart, 入圍, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  11. 張智皓、董宸緋, 2016.12, 文化部105年青年村落文化行動計畫, 六重溪部落之文化復振暨特色產業營造計畫, 佳作, 指導老師:彭立勛
  12. 游智幃、洪琬茹, 2016.04, 信義房屋/2016全民社造行動計畫, 雙龍螢向小番茄-部落活動行銷計劃, 楷模獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  13. 林康偉、張智皓, 2016.04, 信義房屋/2016全民社造行動計畫, 打造部落文化基地, 楷模獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  14. 黃貞儀, 2015.12, 新台灣和平基金會/第二屆台灣研究博碩士論文獎, 《台灣閩、客、原、埔之在地文創實踐案例研究》, 論文獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  15. 徐展峯, 2015.08, 2015國際台灣設計工作坊-成果發表/國立雲林科技大學創意生活設計系所, 人生故事, 銀獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  16. 徐展峯, 2015.04, 中興大學管理學院磐石中心/2015綠具人獎創意競賽, 四式螺絲起子筆, 入圍, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  17. 吳宜霈, 2015.03, 國立雲林科技大學/校園夢想資助計畫, 集集樟腦出張所在地文創行銷, 獲得補助, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  18. 蔡依凭、陳昱蓁、黃鈺雯、何采錚、曾惠貞、賴佩蘭, 2014.05, 1111人力銀行2014第二屆創意廣告比賽, 超級連連看, 佳作, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  19. 白光, 2014, 青春設計節/場地設計競賽, 《白光場域》, 特別獎, 指導老師:彭立勛、游元隆、商毓芳.
  20. 劉乃文、陳右欣、許翔閔, 2011, Reddot awards 2011紅點設計概念獎, 《Easy drink》, 紅點設計概念獎, 指導老師:彭立勛、杜瑞澤、何肇喜.
  21. 陳右欣, 2011, 客家委員會獎助客家研究優良博碩士論文/「客家花布」?「臺灣花布」?的設計文化現象研究, 優良論文獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  22. 陳右欣, 2010.10, 客家創意GO  拈桐趣便利貼, 佳作, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  23. 陳怡婷、陳令怡, 2010.07, 2010「ㄏㄠˋ客˙ㄏㄠˇ客」特色商品設計比賽, 好客T恤組, 入圍, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  24. 陳右欣、劉乃文, 2010.06, 2010耶誕創意商品徵選-大萊國際企業有限公司主辦, 跳舞的攪拌棒, 第二名, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  25. 許沛晴, 2010.01, 感動99尋找台灣生命力短片徵選 (大專組非動畫類), 帶你回家-認養流浪犬, 入圍(初審佳作), 指導老師:彭立勛、鍾松晉.
  26. 林高正, 2010.01, 99年度青輔會青年暑期社區工讀計畫, 新瓦屋 花鼓隊, 多媒體組第一名, 指導老師:彭立勛、游元隆.
  27. 陳麗玲, 2009.02, 2009年台灣海報新星獎, 優選, 指導老師:蔡昌吉、彭立勛.
  28. 陳麗玲, 2008.11, 國立台灣藝術教育館 全國學生創藝作品線上競賽, 創意類入圍, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  29. 陳志豪、林郁晉、陳銘宏、萬昱宏、黃聰智2008.06, 2008第17屆時報金犢獎得獎名單/廣播廣告類, 牛頭牌沙茶醬-人情味篇寶島之聲篇, 銀犢獎, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  30. 詹靜婷、吳妍霖、陳萱蓉, 2008.06, 2008第17屆時報金犢獎得獎名單/東方廣告項-自身難保-女王不幸篇/偉人不再篇/大佛不樂篇, 入圍, 指導老師:蔡昌吉、彭立勛.
  31. 黃子馨、謝暄慧, 2008.06, 2008第17屆時報金犢獎得獎名單/卡尼爾項-保護篇/親近篇/照亮篇, 入圍, 指導老師:彭立勛.
  32. 徐銘村、黎佩珊、石蓮苹、許美惠, 2008.06, 2008第17屆時報金犢獎得獎名單/ 卡尼爾項-卡尼爾真采淨白動畫廣告, 入圍, 指導老師:彭立勛.
曾祈惟、林芝宇、許懷哲、張雅媖、廖英助、蔣淑慧, 2008.04, 行政院新聞局 Wow eye Taiwan我愛台灣全民影音創作大賽, 紀錄片類銀獎, 指導老師:彭立勛、邱一峰.