SONG Min Jeong
Assistant Professor Department of Cultural and Creative Arts學歷
The Education University of Hong Kong經歷
Min Jeong Song is an assistant professor in the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts at the Education University of Hong Kong. She earned her Ph.D. in Ceramics and Glass from the Royal College of Art, MFA, and BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and the Ohio State University, respectively.Her research interests include the convergence of craft and digital technology in art and design education, STEAM, and maker culture. She is currently working on a research project entitled A Study on the Efficacy of VR Systems in Arts Education: with a Focus on VR Pottery Apps. Prior to joining the Education University of Hong Kong, Song was a research fellow in the Design Convergence Research Center at Ewha Womans University, where she researched 3D Printing in design education, 3D printed teaching aids, and online 3D design platforms.
As a practitioner, Song makes works in a wide range of media, including glass, ceramics, print, video, and digital media. She has exhibited her work at established international events and venues, including the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, London Design Festival, Milan Design Week, Collect at Saatchi Gallery, and SOFA Chicago.
2D and 3D DesignCeramics and Glass
Digital Imaging and Interactive Media
Digital CraftHybrid Culture
3D Printing in Education
Art, Design and Technology
▶ Chapter in an edited book (author)
• Song, M.J. (2020). Overcoming barriers to the implementation of 3D printing in schools. In N. Ali, & M.S.Khine (Eds.), Integrating 3D printing into teaching and learning: Practitioners’ perspectives (72-89). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill
▶ Edited book (editor)
• Cho, J.K., Song, M.J. and Ha, E.A.(Eds.) (2016). Digital makers vol.1 : 3D printing and makers. Seoul: Mediabus
Journal Publications
▶ Publication in refereed journal
• Choi, E., & Song, M.J. (2022). Designing sustainable craft curricula: Balancing academic and practical training. International Journal of Art & Design Education. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/jade.12416
• Song, M.J. (2022). Teacher professional development in integrating digital fabrication technologies into teaching and learning. Educational Media International, 58(4), 317-334. https://doi.org/10.1080/09523987.2021.1989766.
• Song, M.J. (2021). Craftspeople’s new identity: The impact of digital fabrication technologies on craft practices. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, advance online publication, 1-19
• Song, M.J. (2019). The application of digital fabrication technologies to the art and design curriculum in a teacher preparation program: A case study. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 30(4), 687-707
• Song, M.J. (2018). Learning to teach 3D printing in schools: How do teachers in Korea prepare to integrate 3D printing technology into classrooms?. Educational Media International, 55(3), 183-198
• Song, M.J., Ha,E.A, Goo, S.K & Cho, J.K. (2018). Design and development of 3D printed teaching aids for architecture education. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 10(3), 58-75
• Song, M.J., Ha, E.A. and Cho, J.K. (2016). A perspective on the domestic 3D printing marketplaces: Through investigations into online 3D printing platforms. Journal of Basic Design & Art, 17(4), 163-174
• Song, M.J. (2015). A study on the implication of cultural hybridity through the history of glass exchange. The Journal of the Korea Society of Art &Design, 17(4), 109-127
• Song, M.J. (2015). A study on the artistic application of collecting and cataloguing in contemporary art: With a focus on Mark Dion’s work. Journal of Basic Design and Art, 15(6), 318-331
• Song, M.J. (2015). A study on the idea of materiality of new media art through rethinking kinetic art. Journal of Digital Convergence, 13(3), 263-270
• Song, M.J. (2018, 7). Teaching and Learning with Digital Fabrication Technologies. Paper Presented at 2018 International KALCI(Korean Association for Learner-centered Curriculum and Instruction) Conference, Seoul, Korea
• Song, M.J. (2011, 7). Mechanisms of in-betweenness. New Perspectives on Asian Design and its Histories: Geographies, Chronologies, Methodologies conference, V&A Museum, London, UK
▶ Refereed conference paper
• Song, M.J. (2020, 6). A case study of craftspeople’s experiences with learning digital fabrication technologies. In Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1005-1009), Online/ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
• Song, M.J. (2018, 7). New digital literacies: visual arts education using 3d printing technologies. Paper presented at the Third Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching & Technology 2018, Toronto, Canada
• Song, M.J., Ha, E.A., Goo, S.K. and Cho, J.K. (2016, 12). The fabrication of teaching aids using 3D printing technology: Making models for traditional Korean architecture education. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, Jeju National University, Korea
• Song, M. J., Ha, E.A. & Lee, G.H. (2016, 5). A study on a new paradigm for contemporary craft for the convergence of handmade craft and digital technology. KSBDA International Spring Conference 2016, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
• Song, M.J. (2020). Curated an international group exhibition. Post-Digital Materiality. 1a space, Hong Kong
• Song, M.J. (2019). 2019 KSDS International Invitational Exhibition. Seoul Women's University, Seoul, Korea
• Song, M.J. (2018). 2018 KSDS International Invitational Exhibition. Davinchi Hall, Seoul National University of Science and Technology. Seoul, Korea: Korean Society of Design Science
• Song, M.J. (2018). Taiwan International Art Exchange Exhibition 2018 at Yunlin County Pro-people Space Exhibition Area. Yunlin County & Cultural Affairs Bureau, Yilan City. Yunlin & Yilan, Taiwan: Yunlin County Government & Yilan County Government
• Song, M.J. (2016). Imagination for Art and Design: KSBDA Barcelona International Exhibition. IED, Barcelona, Spain
• Song, M.J. and Jung, W.S. (2015). Future in Hands, Craft Trend Fair 2015. COEX convention center, Seoul, Korea
• Song, M.J. (2015). SOFA Chicago 2015, Korea Craft & Design Foundation Gallery. Navy Pier, Chicago, USA
• Song, M.J. (2015). Fluid Dialogue between Japan and Korea: International exhibition of contemporary glass art. MacArt Museum, Ansan, Korea
• Song, M.J. (2015). The Reminiscence (solo exhibition). Gallery DOS, Seoul, Korea
• Song, M.J. & Jung, W.S. (2014). Collect 2014 Project Space . Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
• Song, M. J. (2013). New Blue and White. Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Boston, USA
• Song, M. J. (2012). Cutting Edge. Stables Gallery, London, UK
• Song, M.J. (2012). A Spatial Surprise. Mint Gallery, London, UK
• Song, M.J. (2012). Paradise, Royal College of Art group exhibition . Milan Design Week, Milan, Italy
▶ Engineering, architectural, graphic designs
• Song, M.J. (2020). 3D model production for the book entitled 搖籃地:中西區教育今昔. Hong Kong: 中華書局 (香港) 有限公司
A Study on the Efficacy of VR Systems in Arts Education: with a Focus on VR Pottery Apps
This pilot study aims to investigate the affordances and limitations of virtual reality(VR) systems in transferring craft knowledge and skills with a focus on VR applications for practicing pottery at tertiary levels.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): SONG, Min Jeong 宋玟姃
Post Digital Materiality : an international exhibition
External Project Grant: As part of the ECS research project entitled 'The Work of Art in the Age of Post-Digital Production: A Study of the Maker Culture in Hong Kong', the PI curated an international exhibition at 1a space in HK in November 2020 and presented 6 international artists(artist teams)'s works. The project has been partially supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council's project grant.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): SONG, Min Jeong 宋玟姃
The Work of Art in the Age of Post-Digital Production: A Study of the Maker Culture in Hong Kong
This research aims to investigate how contemporary craft practices can be juxtaposed in the stream of the maker movement driven by the digital fabrication technologies with a focus on Hong Kong’s maker communities.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): SONG, Min Jeong 宋玟姃
Visual Arts Curriculum Development using 3D Printing Technologies
This research aims to explore and develop educational contents using 3D modelling and 3D printing technologies particularly for visual art education.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): SONG, Min Jeong 宋玟姃
A Survey on 3D Printing Education in Hong Kong and Curriculum Development
This research project aims to investigate into the current state of 3D printing education, particularly in training primary and secondary teachers to implement STEAM education. The principal investigator will analyze the current state of 3D printing education in Hong Kong and compare it with cases from other countries. Based on the survey, sample curricula will be developed which can be employed in 3D printing education for (prospective) teachers in secondary/primary schools.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): SONG, Min Jeong 宋玟姃