

2018 Creative Design: The International Conference on Cross-Boundaries and Integration (CDCB)


新聞稿 (Press Release): :
國立雲林科技大學【2018創意生活設計:跨域整合國際研討會】於4月16日早上隆重開幕,此次講師陣容盛大,邀請到台灣與日本兩地重量級設計大師,分別為早上演講者Hers實驗設計研究所社長村田智明,他同時也是行為設計大師、行為設計領域的第一把交椅,經手過的設計包含眾所皆知的XBOX360以及OMRON上臂式血壓計,此次演講貢獻深厚,為雲科大設計學院的學子帶來難能可貴的一課,讓大家更加認識何謂行為設計,並用設計解決日常生活問題,村田智明社長在演講的同時更是示範日常生活中常使用的電燈開關,讓聽眾思考出生活中的慣性行為以及設計的問題點。下午演講者為美可特總經理王盈發,以「美可特品牌設計思考三角策略架構」,帶領團隊榮獲德國IF、Red Dot、日本Good Design、比利時Pentawards等多項國際大獎,在品牌設計、伴手禮包裝及地方特色品牌有豐富深厚的歷練與成果,同時也為下午帶來豐富精湛的經驗分享與演說。
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology’s “2018 Creative Design: International Conference on Cross-Boundaries and Integration” grandly opened in April 16th in the morning. The speakers invited are big shots designers in Taiwan and Japan. Chukai Murata is the CEO of Hers Experimental Design Laboratory Inc. He is also the first master of behavioral design. His design includes the well-known XBOX360 and OMRON upper arm blood pressure monitor. At his speech the students of YUNTECH was given valuable lessons about behavior design and how design is used to solve daily life problems. In his speech Mr. Murata demonstrated that even a light switch, which is often used in daily life, requires elaborative contemplation during design, allowing the students to reflect upon the relationship of habits and design problems. In the afternoon, the speaker was Mr. Ying-Fa Wang , the general director of Victor Branding Design Corp. Using the company’s “design thinking triangulation strategy structure, he has led his team to win many international awards such as IF in Germany, Red Dot, Good Design in Japan, and Pentawards in Belgium, etc. Thus, they have plenty of experiences and achievements in branding design, souvenir packaging, and local featured brands, which was shared in his valuable speech.

Professor Shyh-Huei Huang, Dean of the College School of Design at the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, stated that the speeches presented a different depth and breadth for the design students, and also allowed students to see more purposeful problem-solving in design processes. Whether it was the speech of CEO Mr. Murata, or the experience sharing of General Director Ying-Fa Wang, not only established a link among the diversified fields in international design community, but also to inject different dynamics for this Conference. Yueh-hsiu Cheng, Director of the Department of Creative Design, said that in addition to the these speeches, the seminar brought together 44 studies from different fields, and create chances for design exchange and to expand students’ horizons. The participants expressed that they would continue to participate in the design exchanges and workshops of the conference in the future.

Aside from the speeches and presentation of researches, the Conference also held leather and floral workshops on the15th, using different media and viewpoints in integrating cross-disciplines. The students of the Graduate School of Creative Design have taken responsibility in organizing this international seminar, so that guests and participants find the conference stimulating and rewarding.






好設計讓地方重燃元氣 / 日下慶太-用設計改造商店街實例
好設計讓地方重燃元氣 / 日下慶太-用設計改造商店街實例
好設計讓地方重燃元氣 / 日下慶太-用設計改造商店街實例


日下慶太演講 / 討論時間日下慶太演講 / 討論時間
日下慶太演講 / 討論時間
日下慶太演講 / 討論時間

日下慶太演講 / 討論時間
日下慶太演講 / 討論時間