2021 Creative Communication Awards (C2A) – Winner in Brochures / Books
名次:Winner in Brochures / Books
主題:Digitized Traditional Artistry Art Research Exhibition , Ministry of Science and Technology Literature
It uses how far-reaching folk culture transcends science and technology, and showing of a sense of layer as the starting point, combining with the traditional belief elements and digital science and technology codes, through the complex and delicate printing process to present the new face of the meeting between contemporary design thoughts and traditional skills.
主題:Digitized Traditional Artistry Art Research Exhibition , Ministry of Science and Technology Literature
It uses how far-reaching folk culture transcends science and technology, and showing of a sense of layer as the starting point, combining with the traditional belief elements and digital science and technology codes, through the complex and delicate printing process to present the new face of the meeting between contemporary design thoughts and traditional skills.