2020-2021 IDA設計獎-社會設計/生態可持續設計
作者:陳憶綸I-Lun,Chen 鄭羽彤Yu-Tung,Cheng 呂佳澄Chia-Cheng,Lu
主題:尤宏章 Yu- Hung Chang
Over the years, the marine reproductive industry has used massive styrofoam on making sheds, buoys, and lane ropes, etc. It does not only caused a large amount of marine waste, but also permanent pollution caused by fragmented styrofoam particles.
“Cow dung buoyant device” is organic and a product that can be recycled. After being heat pressed, with the characteristics of cow dungs, this product can be placed in the sea, it will be biodegraded into fiber for fishes to eat or decompose naturally after a year.
“Cow dung buoyant device” is suitable for coastal industries, such as oyster sheds. Its head and end are streamlined to reduce resistance, the upper groove is added to standardize the placing of the sheds, and the handles on both sides make it easier to grab. Its alkalescent can neutralize the acidic water caused by air pollution.

作者:陳憶綸I-Lun,Chen 鄭羽彤Yu-Tung,Cheng 呂佳澄Chia-Cheng,Lu
主題:尤宏章 Yu- Hung Chang
Over the years, the marine reproductive industry has used massive styrofoam on making sheds, buoys, and lane ropes, etc. It does not only caused a large amount of marine waste, but also permanent pollution caused by fragmented styrofoam particles.
“Cow dung buoyant device” is organic and a product that can be recycled. After being heat pressed, with the characteristics of cow dungs, this product can be placed in the sea, it will be biodegraded into fiber for fishes to eat or decompose naturally after a year.
“Cow dung buoyant device” is suitable for coastal industries, such as oyster sheds. Its head and end are streamlined to reduce resistance, the upper groove is added to standardize the placing of the sheds, and the handles on both sides make it easier to grab. Its alkalescent can neutralize the acidic water caused by air pollution.