
2022 年日本東京創新天才國際發明展

2022 年日本東京創新天才國際發明展

區域: 國際 

 名次: 銀獎 

 作者: 林愛詠Ai-Yung Lin 

 主題: 種子永續材料杯墊模組Material Coaster Module of Seed Permaculture  

理念: 此環保材料杯墊模組,利用幾何造型模具技術,製作盆栽造型,開發一系列環保杯墊模具,將冷飲杯外面流下來的凝結水珠收集起來,作為植物幼苗的水源,不斷培育新生命。 杯墊中的幼苗透過蓋子上的孔,生長和發芽,將作為室內植物盆栽。當需要更換杯墊時,可以將整個杯墊種植在土壤中,材料可自行分解在土壤中。 

This coaster module is made of environmentally friendly material using geometric modeling mold technology to make pot shapes and to develop a series of environmentally friendly coaster molds, the condensed water droplets flowing from the outside of the cold drink cup are collected and used as a water source for seedlings to continuously cultivate new life, the seedlings in the coasters grow and sprout through the holes in the lid and will be potted as houseplants, when the coaster needs to be replaced, the entire coaster can be planted in soil, and the material will decompose in the soil by itself.
