
2020 The winners of the iF DESIGN TALENT AWARD 2020-2021 IDA設計獎-社會設計/生態可持續設計 2020-2021 IDA設計獎-社會設計/環

2020-2021 IDA設計獎-社會設計/生態可持續設計-金獎
2020-2021 IDA設計獎-社會設計/環境設計-銀獎

作者:陳憶綸、鄭羽彤、呂佳澄 (創意生活設計系)

主題:哞哞盆 Plant Nature Pots-可分解盆栽設計

塑膠盆栽移盆時不僅造成麻煩,移盆後的塑膠盆栽亦造成浪費。哞哞盆使用牛糞製成,盆栽即是植物養分來源,是一個能被分解的盆栽,並以牛乳頭的造型做為設計,象徵哞哞盆提供植物生長的空間及養分。 「哞哞盆」分為上盆及下盆,上盆為可替換式,下盆為重複利用的固定底座。藉由牛糞的吸水性與內層的孔洞讓盆栽自動澆水,並透過牛奶瓶的視覺回饋,使使用者可輕易得知盆栽的水量是否充足。

Plastic flower pots will not only cause trouble while repotting but used plastic flower pots will also become a waste. It is made from cow dungs. The pot itself is a nutrient source for plants and is biodegradable. Designed with the shape of cows nipples, it symbolizes that pots provides space and nutrients for the plant to grow. The potted plants are automatically watered through the water absorption of cow dung and the holes in the inner layer.Through the milk shape in the front, user can know how much water in the pots. Wait for the plant to grow, and plant it into the soil after the growth space becomes insufficient.
